The Months.
The following table gives in the first two columns the names of the 12 months, first in Sanskrit, and
then in Tibetan. The next column gives the season associated with the month, and the final column gives the month number as would be used in the Tibetan "Correction of Error" system.
Phālguna | dbo | Early-spring | 1 |
Caitra | nag pa | Mid-Spring | 2 |
Vaiśākha | sa ga | Late-spring | 3 |
Jyeṣṭha | snron | Early-summer | 4 |
Āṣāḍha | chu stod | Mid-summer | 5 |
Śrāvaṇa | gro bzhin | Late-summer | 6 |
Bhādrapada | khrums | Early-autumn | 7 |
Āśvina | tha skar | Mid-autumn | 8 |
Kārtikka | smin drug | Late-autumn | 9 |
Mārgaśīrṣa | mgo | Early-winter | 10 |
Pauṣa | rgyal | Mid-winter | 11 |
Māgha | mchu | Late-winter | 12 |
The lunar mansions.
The following table gives the names of the lunar mansions, first in Sanskrit, and then in Tibetan. The element associated with the mansion from the Indian system is also given - this
is different in the Chinese tradition.
Aśvinī | tha skar | Wind |
Bharaṇī | bra nye | Fire |
Kṛittikā | smin drug | Fire |
Rohiṇī | snar ma | Earth |
Mṛigaśiras | mgo | Wind |
Ārdrā | lag | Water |
Punarvasu | nabs so | Wind |
Puṣya | rgyal | Fire |
Āśleṣā | skag | Water |
Maghā | mchu | Fire |
Pūrvaphalgunī | gre | Fire |
Uttaraphalgunī | dbo | Wind |
Hastā | me bzhi | Wind |
Citrā | nag pa | Wind |
Svātī | sa ri | Wind |
Viśākhā | sa ga | Fire |
Anurādhā | lha mtshams | Earth |
Jyeṣṭha | snron | Earth |
Mūla | snrubs | Water |
Pūrvāṣhāḍhā | chu stod | Water |
Uttarāṣāḍhā | chu smad | Earth |
Śravaṇa | gro bzhin | Earth |
Abhijit | byi bzhin | Earth |
Dhaniṣṭhā | mon gre | Water |
Śatabhiṣaj | mon gru | Earth |
Pūrvabhādrapāda | khrums stod | Fire |
Uttarabhādrapāda | khrums smad | Water |
Revatī | nam gru | Water |
The Yogas.
In this table are the names of the 27 yogas, first in Sanskrit and then in
Tibetan. However, there is one small problem with this table. Some Sanskrit
copies of the Vimalaprabhā add an extra yoga between Dhruva and Vyāghatā, and
leave out Siddhi. This is probably a mistake, as the Tibetan versions follow
the more usual listing of the yogas, which is the one given here.
Viṣkambha | sel ba |
Prīti | mdza' ba |
Āyuśman | tshe dang ldan pa |
Saubhāgya | skal bzang |
Śobhana | bzang po |
Atigaṇḍa | shin tu skrang |
Sukarma | las bzang |
Dhṛiti | 'dzin pa |
Śūla | zug rngu |
Gaṇḍa | skrang |
Vṛiddhi | 'phel ba |
Dhruva | nges pa |
Vyāghatā | kun 'joms |
Harṣaṇa | dga' ba |
Vajra | rdo rje |
Siddhi | grub pa |
Vyatipāta | shin tu lhung |
Varīyas | mchog can |
Parigha | yongs 'joms |
Śiva | zhi ba |
Siddha | grub pa |
Sādhya | bsgrub bya |
Śubha | dge ba |
Śukla | dkar po |
Brahma | tshangs pa |
Indra | dbang po |
Vaidhṛiti | khon 'dzin |
The Karaṇas.
The four stable karaṇas are:
Śakuni | bkra shis |
Catuṣpada | rkang bzhi |
Nāga | klu |
Kintughna | mi sdug pa |
The seven changing karanas are:
Vava | gdab pa |
Vālava | byis pa |
Kaulava | rigs can |
Taitila | til rdung |
Gara | khyim skyes |
Vaṇija | tshong ba |
Viṣṭi | vishti |
The elemental yogas, or, combinations.
The following are the possible combinations of the elements of the weekday and the lunar mansion. These are referred to as elemental yogas (khams kyi sbyor ba, or, 'byung 'phrod).
In this list they are given with their Tibetan, Sanskrit and English names for each element combination.
Earth + earth: | dngos grub | siddhi | accomplishment |
Water + water: | bdud rtsi | amṛita | nectar |
Earth + water: | lang tsho | yauvana | youth |
Fire + fire: | 'phel 'gyur | pragati | progress |
Wind + wind: | phun tshogs | saṃpanna | excellence |
Fire + wind: | stobs ldan | balayukta | powerful |
Earth + wind: | mi phrod | alābha | deficiency |
Water + wind: | mi mthun | pratikūla | discord |
Earth + fire: | sreg pa | dahana | burning |
Fire + water: | 'chi ba | maraṇa | death |
The twenty-eight yogas, or, combinations.
The following are the names for the twenty-eight yogas which are combinations between the weekdays and the lunar mansions.
These are given here with their Tibetan names, English translation of these,
and a short phrase indicating the astrological nature of the yoga, taken from
Tibetan materials ("dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i man ngag rtsis kyi bstan bcos kun
nas btus pa chen po'i rgyas 'grel rin po che'i gter mdzod", by "dpa' bo gtsug lag phreng ba"). It is clear that the names of these yogas are intended to be symbolic indicators of their astrological significance.
kun dga' | joy - wealth is found. |
dus dbyug | time-club - great fear. |
dul | control - rich with much wealth. |
skye rgu | humanity - happiness through female relatives. |
gzhon | youth - all activities accomplished. |
bya rog | raven - fear and worry through disputes. |
rgyal mtshan | victory-banner - excellent clothes and so forth. |
dpal be'u | eternal-knot - gathering of wealth. |
rdo rje | vajra - lightning and hail; unhappiness, fear of enemies and thieves. |
thob pa | attainment - fear of death. |
gdugs | parasol - enemies will be pacified. |
grogs | friend - meeting with friends. |
yid | intellect - attainment of glory. |
'dod | desire - activities accomplished according to wish. |
mgal me | firebrand - disputes, quarrlels. |
rtsa bton | emaciation - (length of) life will be exhausted. |
'chi bdag | death-lord - death. |
mda' | arrow - the nose and senses weakened; obstacles to health and luck. |
grub | success - accomplishment of whatever activities are started. |
mdung | lance - fear of illness. |
bdud rtsi | nectar - destruction of enemies. |
gtun shing | pestle - understand as pounding; loss of life, wealth, deity. |
glang po | elephant - all intentions fulfilled. |
stag mo | tigress - a mount is found. |
zad pa | exhaustion - exhaustion of wealth, food and people. |
g.yo | movement - all activities accomplished. |
brtan | stability - destruction of authorities. |
'phel | increase - increase of wealth. |
A brief astrological meaning has been given above for the twenty-eight yogas. As time progresses and more of this material is translated, it will be posted on this website. However, it is worth pointing out that the Kālacakra system expects a general knowledge of Indian astrology. It's two main criticisms of other Indian systems is with regard to the calculation of the calendar and the need to use a tropical zodiac, and with a fatalistic, or deterministic approach to the astrology. General Indian views on the astrological meaning of attributes such as the weekday, lunar mansion and so forth, are to be used in the Kālacakra system. These can be found in works of traditional Indian astrology, such as the writings of Varāha Mihira, and so forth.
E Henning.
Last updated 3 February 2010.
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